Judy has had a bad day at the Cup, so we are going to blog the American Idol Wild Card Show. We're not technically "live" because nothing will induce me to give up the ability to fast forward through Ryan Seacrest's inane chit-chat and the possibility of having to actually listen to something that Paula Abdul might slur out.
First up, Jessie Langseth from Minnesota: She's grateful for the opportunity. Randy thinks she needs to show her range. So she's gonna do that. She's singing "Tell Me Something Good". Whoa. She's got a whole retro look going on with the hair and outfit. She's yell-singing right from the get-go. She---whoa---just got a look at how short her skirt is--I think she's going for the sex sells advantage. Meanwhile, singing-wise, she was off key. It wasn't good. The judges note that she sang off-key. Paula's impressed with her "tenacity". Cuz that's what you need in a singing competition.
Matt Giraud is up next. He's singing for his life. He wants us to go "WOW". He's singing "Here's Loving You" by the Jackson 5. He's got a whole hat and scarf thing going on. He's really driving the R & B thing. He appears to be channeling Ray Charles. The audience love him. Judges think he was a little "over the top". Ohh, burn. Simon thinks he was a bit Taylor Hicks. Can't get a worse comparison on Idol.
Hippie Chick--Megan Joy Corkrey. She's thanking her lucky stars. She's gonna rock house. She's singing "Black Horse". Sadly, I have no idea what song that is...Full sleeve tattos are on display...she's straightened her hair...and she's twitching her hips and shoulders...Hmm, isn't that the behavior that ruined her first performance?? She's not bad but she acts weird. I confess this may reveal my utter unfamiliarity with current culture and music. She really likes putting her hands on her hips. She didnt' suck. Naturally, Paula noted first thing that she looks beautiful. Simon likes her and thinks she's terrific. She's current. (Judy and I think that she might be Lilly Allen-ish or Amy Winehouse-ish. Which could be why I didn't recognize the song.) I suspect she'll make it through because she's different from all the others.
Von Smith is up next. He's ecstatic to be asked back for the wild card round. He wants to show what he can do (like he hasn't been given that opportunity once already.) He's singing "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word"---didn't he already do Elton John? He's voice is all chipmunky as we called in in Robin/JudyWorld.
Ohh, very whiny sounding. He also has Alfafa Hair...very pointy at the top. Apparently, he chose to ignore Simon's advice about wearing a hat. Meanwhile, Simon thinks he's boring. He's too earnest.
Jasmine Murray thinks it's unbelieveable to be here and experience this. She's planning to show off her vocal ability. She's singing "Reflection" by Christina Aguilara. Nice ombre dress that goes from black to magenta. Judy criticizes her pronunciations first thing "art" instead of "heart". She's yelling pretty good. It sounds like a Disney soundtrack. She's best in the quiet parts---she way over-sang the loud bits trying to out Christina, Christina. Randy thinks she was better than last time, but the song was too big for her. (He generally thinks all songs are too big for everybody except, Mariah and Whitney.) Simon gave her a mostly good review.
Here comes, Ricky Braddy. Interesting name--very rythmic. His performance before was "flawless". He feels that he needs to just show his personality and he'll be in it. He's singing "Superstitious". Judy thinks he's good--very comfortable on stage. I don't like the white shoes but then, I have issues with white shoes. He too is going for the pointy hair head look. Simon doesn't think he made the impression he could have made. He's disappointed. Bad song choice--the dread karoake--darn it..I don't know how to spell that.
Is it..is it...yes! It's Tatiana "Crazy Girl" Del Toro time. Freak-extraordinary. I KNEW she would be brought back--she's gives good "television". The producers couldn't resist. She's telling us from her heart how much this all means to her. She has love for everyone and everything. Meanwhile, I don't think sentiment will do it. But hey--good television is good television. She's ready to sing for you America, thank you so much. She's singing "Saving All My Love For You". Judy is gobsmacked. Didn't she sing this already?? Didn't she plan another song? Is this the same dress too? Mind you--I thought she was good the first time. Her gestures seem oddly familiar. Hm....well, rehearsed even. Meanwhile, after singing, she started shouting that she loves the judges. Who would think she's trying to influence the judges? Just because she has a history of begging. In case you didnt' know, she really really really really really really really really really really really really wants a spot in the top twelve. Paula is so discombobulated she can barely form a sentence. Wait, that's how she normally acts. Simon gives her a really hard time about singing the same song again. I predict that she'll make it through again. Wait and see. Her television draw is just TOO good.
Anoop Desai is ecstatic too. There's alot of that going around with these wild card contestants. He wants to show the judges that Noop Dog is back. He's singing, "My Perogative". The audience is going nuts. He's even winkin' and sexifyin'. He's sings very well. Simon doesn't think he's the best singer we're going to hear but he's likeable. Boring singers don't get put through. They need personality too. (Tatiana anyone? I'm tellin' ya)
The results--probably decided before the show. Here's how it plays--Jasmine is in. They do the traditional and STUPID mis-direct which I fell for. Dang it. Ricky is out. Tatiana is out. Megan is in. I'm SHOCKED. I really thought good television would win out--(Tatiana should have sung a new song. Also, she needed to not be such a drama queen. Idol already had a prima donna in Taylor Hicks. Apparently, they don't want another one. Still-I'm surprised. I'll leave my wrong prediction in because I'm honest.) One more to go...and rats...the dvr cut out too soon and I have no idea who the last pick is going to be. Oh, well....guess I'll find out when somebody else blogs it.