Friday, July 03, 2009

Bad Luck

Well, as those who know me on Facebook are aware, I went to the zoo and fell getting off the rope bridge and broke both my arms. Yep. You read it correctly. I broke the radial head on the left arm and the radial neck on the right arm. Since being in two casts is unworkable, I am in a cast for the left arm and a range of motion brace for the right arm. I am also being waited on hand and foot by my sisters and niece. I am trying to look on the bright side but my abilities are pretty limited. Blogging will be light.


Jen said...

Such a good sport!
I hope you're being a good patient. We'll pray for quick healing.

Unknown said...

Wow, Robin. When you do something you go all out!!! Both at once???
Hope you heal quickly.

I know today is your mom's birthday. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of her too, and miss her.

Perry told me about your blog a few months ago when you were posting your mom's poems. It's been fun following your life a little bit. Love the pix.


Robin said...

Hey Karen!!!! So happy "talk" to you. If I was up to it I would have posted another poem today but I can't time for that long. I was thinking she'd be 77 today which she would have loved given her affinity for sevens.

Robin said...

Hey Karen!!!! So happy "talk" to you. If I was up to it I would have posted another poem today but I can't time for that long. I was thinking she'd be 77 today which she would have loved given her affinity for sevens.